You have seen a board like this before. The green cutting pad mounted on a bamboo cutting board. The LASER engraving is different here.
Both boards are intended for the quilter using rotary cutters. They usually use much larger green pads at home, but for on-the-go retreats (they are ALWAYS on retreats) these small pads are handy.
This board engraving is a sampler of many of the quilting (square) patterns commonly used.
Suddenly the demand for this board is so high I can’t make them fast enough! My 5 watt LASER takes me about 3 hours total burn time for each board. Then there is the set-up, glueing, and mineral oil treatment.
I can produce about 3 boards a day while doing other projects during the burn time. I am looking forward to my 20 watt LASER so I can pick up the pace a bit.
I have about $10.00 in materials and maybe a couple of hours of real time. Easy to sell at $20.00 and that keeps me in the black.
There are mistakes and spoiled work on occasion. One of the bamboo boards in my last bulk purchase (12) was a full CM shorter than the rest. Good thing I run “frame” to check things before firing the LASER. I can use the board for another one-off project.